Welcome to the GSS/Earth.Org Python Bootcamp

© Alex Anzola Jurgenson, PhD

Getting ready

We will discuss how to install python in class, but you may want to get ready and hit the ground running. There are many ways to install and run python on your computer, but for this class we recommend using Anaconda.

If you already have some knowledge of python and know how to use Jupyter Notebooks, feel free to use your current intallation.

Head to the Anaconda hompage and install the version for your system. The individual edition provides a powerful suit of tools for python programming, as well as tools that will help you, should you decide to explore data science in more depth.

The resources for this course will be updated as we progress, so check back every class to download the relevant materials.

You can download this Python Cheat Sheet, which contains an overview of the language. Don't panic if you don't understand what you see there! We'll cover most of it in class.

Unit 1: Installation and configuration

  • Installation and configuration
  • Using Jupyter notebooks
  • Data types, variables, and assignment
  • Data structures
  • Importing and using modules

Unit 2 : Programming fundamentals

  • Syntax, indentation, scope
  • Conditionals, loops, and control mechanisms
  • Functions

Unit 3 : Coding

  • From pseudocode to python code File input and output
  • Saving and running scripts

Unit 4 : Challenges

  • Projects to tackle some real life applications

Final words and next steps

Now that you have mastered the foundamentals of Python programming, why not try Data Science? Contact us for more info.